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Qui sommes-nous

EKDMC > Qui sommes-nous
25 Years Of Experience

Not only explore for job done.

Does any industry face a more complex audience journey and marketing sales process than B2B technology? Consider the number of people who influence a sale, the length of the decision-making cycle, the competing interests of the people who purchase, implement, manage, and use the technology. It’s a lot meaningful content here.

6 années d'experience

Présentation de l’entreprise

EKDMC est une société d'import - export avec un capital de 10.000.000 FCFA.

Depuis 2016, EKDMC importe une gamme variée de produits chimiques en plus des exportations de coton. 

La société est détenue à 100% par le promoteur et gérant M. KEITA Mahamadou. 

A noter que la structure est également propriétaire à 100% de la structure homonyme EKDMG domiciliée en Guinée Conakry et opérant sur le même segment d’activité. 

Our History

Does any industry face a more complex audience journey and marketing sales process than B2B technology.

1990 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

1990 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

1990 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

1990 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.


Get Every answer from here.

Technical content may have persuasive objectives
Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real. Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.
Technical content may have persuasive objectives
Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real. Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.
Technical content may have persuasive objectives
Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real. Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.
Technical content may have persuasive objectives
Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real. Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.
Technical content may have persuasive objectives
Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real. Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.Today, the term Information Technology (IT) has ballooned to encompass is real.
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